Can You Tint a Motorcycle Windshield? Read This First For 2023

A motorcycle windshield can shield you from winds when on the road. If you happen to own a motorcycle, you’ve probably seen the important role the windshield plays. Unlike cars and trucks, where the windshield is made of glass, motorcycle windshields are made of tough plastic.

The windshields are not large enough to provide a full cover to the rider. Most reach the shoulder, and riders can see ahead without looking through them.  This leads to one question.

Can you tint a motorcycle windshield? Yes, it is legal and beneficial to tint a motorcycle windshield. Unlike car windshields, motorcycle windshields are prone to glare, and tinting helps.

If you want to tint your motorcycle windshield, avoid very dark tints as they reduce visibility. A certain amount of tint is beneficial since it helps reduce glare. If you own a street bike, then getting a windshield for a road glide makes sense.

Before tinting your motorcycle, it is important to know what you’re doing. Below I’ll discuss how to tint a motorcycle windshield, its advantages, disadvantages, and materials to use.

Can You Tint Motorcycle Windshield?

Can You Tint a Motorcycle Windshield

As noted earlier, you can tint a motorcycle windshield but to a certain extent. Bikes come with the windshield already installed. You have to decide whether to install the tint or not.

But, what would push one to install a tint? After riding your new bike for a while, you’ll notice the obvious glare that comes on sunny days. The glare makes it difficult to see through the windshield.

Most people just opt to remove the windshield as a way of fixing the glare. Well, it does help, but is that the best solution? The best solution is to tint the windshield and stop the obnoxious glare. You get to avoid the glare while still enjoying the benefits of the windshield.

So, can you tint a motorcycle windshield? Yes, you can tint a motorcycle windshield the same way it’s done with car windshields. The process is quite easy and done in most motorcycle shops. You can also do it yourself following simple steps.

Apart from tinting, some riders use spray paints to reduce glare. However, spray can hugely affect visibility and should be done on small aesthetic windshields. Never spray or paint a large windshield, as this can obstruct the rider’s view.

Make sure you check the laws in your state about motorcycle windshield tinting. There is no Federal law on windshield tinting. Laws vary from one state to another. However, most states allow darker motorcycle and car windshields.

How To Tint A Motorcycle Windshield?

Now that you’ve decided to tint your motorcycle windshield, how do you do it? The good news is that tinting a motorcycle windshield is simple and straightforward. The process is similar to tinting any automotive glass.

You can decide to have a professional do it at a motorcycle shop or even yourself. If you’re  DIY enthusiastic, this is something you can easily do. There is a very small area that needs tinting compared to car windshields.

If you decide to do it yourself, here are the steps to follow:

Step 1 – Cleaning the Windshield

The windshield needs to be thoroughly cleaned using soap and water. Cleaning helps remove dirt, grease, and oils. Get to spray bottles and fill one with soap water and the other with plain water.

Spray the windshield with soapy water and wipe clean with a damp cloth or towel. Use plain water to rinse away any soap residue.

Cleaning the windshield ensures the tint fits well. 

Cleaning the windshield

Step 2 – Precisely Cut the Tint

If you find a tint that perfectly fits your motorcycle windshield without cutting, then you’re good to go. It’s recommended you first try a fitting tint roll. This avoids the hassle of cutting and gives your bike a professional look.

However, if you can’t find a fitting size, you must cut one from a roll. This is the hardest part of tinting a motorcycle windshield. Motorcycle windshields have a unique curvature that makes cutting difficult.

Place the tint roll on the inside of your windshield and tape it. With the roll in place, cut around the edges to get a fitting match. Make sure you use a sharp utility knife for precise results.

Step 3 – Attach the Tint

Now that you have a fitting tint, it’s time to apply it. But first, apply spray water on the windshield to make the tint move easily. This allows for easy positioning of the tint.

Next, remove the adhesive cover on the back of the tint and apply the tint on the wet windshield. You must work fast to ensure the glue does not lose its strength.

Move the window tint around the shield and ensure it’s centered. If the tint is difficult to move around, continue applying the soapy water. This ensures the tint moves easily and fits perfectly.

Once the tint is perfectly in place, remove any air bubbles with a Bondo scraper or squeegee. Use medium pressure to remove the air bubbles and tuck the tint on the rubber edges of the windshield.

That’s it!

Attach the tint

Advantage And Disadvantage Of Tinting A Windshield

With your tint in place, what are the pros and cons of tinting a motorcycle windshield?

  • The first major benefit is the obvious reduction of glare. It is the main reason for putting the tint there in the first place. While a few riders apply tint for aesthetics, glare prevention is the main reason.
  • Glare can be dangerous on the road as it affects your visibility. You can suffer glare due to direct sunlight, lights on the road, and reflection from other vehicles on the road.
  • Secondly, tinted windshields look cool. If you want excellent aesthetics, then tinting your windshield makes sense.
  • Thirdly, most people just prefer to look through tinted windshields. However, this depends on individual preferences.
  • The main disadvantage of a tinted motorcycle windshield is the reduced visibility in low light conditions. Trust me, most avid riders will tell you it’s pretty difficult riding in the dark with a tinted windshield. It becomes difficult to see what’s in front of you. This is the case, especially if you have a large windshield.
  • If you happen to look through the windshield when riding, then applying tint can be dangerous in low-light conditions. It is only good if you ride in broad daylight.
  • The decision to apply a tint comes down to what best works for you. Consider the pros and cons and see what works for you.

Painting vs. Using Adhesive Sheet On A Windshield

I’ve already mentioned the use of paints and sprays to reduce glare. Painting your motorcycle windshield is even cheaper than applying tint. However, is it safe? If you’re looking through the windshield, then painting is not recommended.

It all depends on the design of your bike and windshield. You can paint a small windshield for aesthetic purposes. Painting is quite easy, and you can do it yourself. You just need to remove the windshield, paint it and fix it back when dry.

However, paint does peel off with age. Exposure to the sun and other weather elements can make the paint fade and eventually peel off. 

If your main aim is aesthetics, then painting is a great choice. However, if you’re looking through the windshield, then applying an adhesive sheet is the only solution.

However, you should apply tints properly to avoid trapping bubbles inside. Popping bubbles under the tint can make your motorcycle look ugly.

Final Thoughts

Tinting a motorcycle windshield is a great idea, especially when suffering from glare during the day. However, you must understand the pros and cons of the tint. The tint is quite beneficial when riding in broad daylight as it prevents glare.

However, when riding in low-light conditions, the tint can be dangerous as it obstructs your view. Make sure you consider your bike design, windshield size, and riding conditions when applying a tint.

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